In the frame of the project “Discover Eliava” Donika Cina and Katharina Stadler, two conceptual artists, worked on the notion of recycling and self-engagement at Eliava Market, a place that is mostly perceived as a dirty, unorganized and sub-standard location of Tbilisi.
Through their work artists aimed at laying open an existing cycle of self-made recycling as to raise questions both within and outside the micro society of Eliava on taking responsibility for our own surroundings.
The final exhibition of the first Stage of the project "Discover Eliava"
We, Donika Çina and Katharina Stadler, two conceptual artists, work on the notion of self initiative at the car parts section of Tbilisi's Eliava Market, a place which from the outside – the population in Tbilisi at large – is mostly perceived as polluted, unorganized and sub-standard becoming hence a place judged for what it is not instead of being recognized for what it is.
The rhythm on site is framed by the structure of repetitive working hours, the existing space and the interactions between the sellers and possible customers as well as between the sellers themselves. At first this rhythm seems to cycle solely around money, manifesting the market as a place of monetary transaction per se.
Then the all visible reusing points out another circulation in making a living: through the to be sold goods, which are mainly of second hand quality as well as through the set up of the infrastructure, namely interiors designed of left over material, trash, etc.
This does not only derive from improvisation but from knowledge of the possible to work within limitation itself. A knowledge which can be considered to have derived from Soviet period, when goods were scarce and solutions to be found.
Framed by a unique sense of solidarity among the sellers, a market built up from all that is of no use otherwise or anywhere else.
The project “Discover Eliava” sets the goal to demarginalize micro space of the street market and draw attention of the society to the issue of reduction of negative impact on environment as well effective use of resources (among them energy resources) through cultural intervention, establishment of a dialogue between different social and professional groups of the society and support of the experience sharing.
Project aim is to attract attention for the change of the current situation by creative and artistic means, raise awareness of society and to propose innovative ways of problem solving.
In implementing the Project "Discover Eliava" GeoAIR was collaborating with Culture and Management Lab. Project was realized in the frame of GALA (Green Art Lab Alliance), with the support of the Culture Program of the European Union.