Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Michal Moravčík is an installation artist based in Bratislava. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. He is the university teacher and visual art editor. Within his artistic work he employs and recycles so-called socialistic aesthetics, in search for its new role in a changed social context. Artist paraphrases or to a certain degree reconstructs the socialistic pop-culture, doing so by means of quotations or direct manipulations of ready-mades from real-socialistic period. Moravčík´s installations and environments carry the political meanings reaching the emotional - nostalgic dimensions; beside other he researches the phenomenon of social equality, nationalism and exterritoriality in a region of Central Europe, or with regard to the political hegemonies in global context. In search for diverse interpretations of open-society, artist focuses on social relations and interactions between active space vs. visitor creating new context of work of art.
Workshop program – 17-18.02.2012
"Cafe Gallery" Griboyedov str. 34
"First day:
-Presentation of artist Michal Moravcik and group Public Pedestal
-Common view to portfolios of students
Second day:
Workshop included two themes, the students could choose one, or react for both of them. 
Idea of workshop was projection of own artistic ideas to public space.
1. The first task - reaction to empty pedestal on the corridor of sculpture department in former Pioneers House.
The students will develop historical research about plinth /which kind of sculpture was here before, who was author, when it was made for which reasons, why is empty now, plans for a future. The projects should include: oral history from people from Pio. House, pictures from history- for example books, local archive of sculpture dep. Pio. House. 
The results of the workshop will include: concept, plan, and drawing of the future of the plinth - how to use it, and actually implement the concept in the future."
-The shift to Flea Market /hot to sell yourself/
2. The participants of workshop will use a public space Flea Market for showing own privacy - as to make an artistic statement. They must decide what they want show for a public from their life, which kind of value has for them their own space, for example at home. The transfer of privacy can be installation, performance, action happening, participative methods...etc.
They can transfer, construct and recreate own privacy directly in public space."
In May 2012 Michal Moravčík participated in the project "undergo. the parallels" with a project "One day heroes."
This residency stay has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.