Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Ulrica Söderlind has a background within the culinary sphere and has worked in the industry both in the Swedish merchant navy and on land and considers cooking as an art form in it self that is deeply rooted within a person and a society’s identity.
The practical background plays a large role in her research on an academic level where she is researching food, beverage and cuisine from an interdisciplinary perspective. She has taken interest in Georgia since the late 1990 and written several articles about the countries cuisine, illustrated by her own photographs. She is affiliated with Stockholm and Södertörn Universities in Sweden.
Currently she is researching the role of food and diet for the believers of the monotheistic religions in Tbilisi, both in the daily life and on feast days. She is also interested to explore how foodways can be linked with different artistic approaches.
She is the author of four books and approximately 60 scientific articles in the field of food history and food archaeology.