Cultural Public Sphere in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Edited by: Nataša Bodrožić / Nini Palavandishvili.

The SPACES publication explores the development of a cultural public sphere in Central Eastern Europe. Framed by reflections on the past, it invites the reader to follow the contemporary experiences of the project SPACES – Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries, which developed numerous participative artistic and cultural actions in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine from 2011 until 2014. From underground passages in Tbilisi, Georgia, to places of memory in Yerevan, Armenia, derelict industrial zones in Kiev, Ukraine, and areas of urban conflicts in Chisinau, Moldova: the artistic interventions, workshops, discussions presented in this volume mirror the social transformation processes in post-Soviet Europe and the positioning of artists in the struggle for change and for new, empowered forms of citizenship.

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This publication is the result of three years of policy research in the frameworks of SPACES project, carried out under the leadership of the Croatian project partner Slobodne veze/Loose Associations, of Zagreb. It traces and maps independent cultural actors and emerging contemporary cultural and artistic practices in Chisinau, Kyiv, Tbilisi and Yerevan, and invites the reader to explore this new, dynamic cultural field. The project partners proceed to present collectively-drafted policy recommendations for the four countries and the region. The SPACES partners developed this paper as a contribution to improved cultural governance in Eastern Central Europe, paying special attention to the issue of the shrinkage of public spaces and the ways to resist it.